Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Video On The Web: Robert Metcalfe on Internet Video

Click Here for Full Story: Robert Metcalfe on Internet Video: "Robert Metcalfe on Internet Video

For those who think that internet video is a passing fad or not useful for sales - this short video is a must.

It is the "inventor" of the internet giving his opinion of how video will be embraced online. He also speaks about how good video will be for our world.

He has been virtually correct about predictions all his life..

He beautifully leads us into his last profound observation with the comment that "Folks said that professionals would never use the PC because they won't sit at a keyboard and type".

That is very excellent salesmanship on his part.

He shows how we can all use the "breaking the glass of the observers pre conceptions with proof from the past" to get the observer open to new concepts.

Great video and a great lesson in "how to effectively present a new concept" as well.

Nuff Said

Ed Osworth

Bob Metcalfe invented Ethernet way back in 1973.

Before that, he worked on ARPANET, the forerunner of the Internet.

In addition to being an under-geek, Bob is also a master salesman."...........

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