Thursday, February 22, 2007

Great Marketing Quote and Advice

* “The only way to improve results, regardless of medium (and we’ve counted over 350 different kinds of ‘media’) is to increase personal relevance.

The concept: We are living in an increasingly cluttered world, with a consumer who is suffering from sensory overload. And that is likely to increase with even more ways to reach the consumer, from CD-ROM to interactive TV to God knows what.

The more relevant we make a communication to the individual consumer we are trying to persuade, the more likely we are to capture attention—and an order.”

—Jerry I. Reitman

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Lifestyles of the Ad Averse

Very good survey on the new type of consumer who avoids ALL ads.

Nuff Said

Ed Osworth

Microsoft/Starcom: Here's What Ad Avoiders Look Like

The performance, attitudes and behaviors of media viewers have been outlined in a new study that could be shocking to advertisers and the agencies that create those ads, according to MediaWeek.

The study was a joint effort by Microsoft and Starcom along with research firm Millward Brown and is ominously titled "Lifestyles of the Ad Averse." The main finding is that 10-15 percent of those between the ages of 17 and 35 are either passive or active "ad avoiders" who feel put off by most advertising.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Free Affiliate Program Success Tutorial by Allan Gardyne

There are thousands of foilks who will claim to show you how to succeed in Affiliate Programs for a fee. And those fees are running close to $10,000 for a lot of these "secret" programs.

On the other hand Allan Gardyne is the real deal. He listed my first affiliate program back in 1997, when I started it. He is the "original" expert in these things and his site is the original directory for Affiliate programs.

Guess what - he will show you how to do it all for free!

He just created a new outline of all the steps necessary.

To get the full article - simply click the title link of this article.

Nuff Said

Ed Osworth
Author and Consultant

Affiliate Program Tutorial
By Allan Gardyne | Published 01/28/2006

You've joined an affiliate program. Here are the 18 steps to take next

This Affiliate Program Tutorial aims to give you a quick overview.

It's your road map to success as an affiliate.

I've been earning a good living from affiliate programs since 1998. Based on that experience, this tutorial tells you the 18 steps to take to generate a useful income from affiliate programs.

No tricks. No gimmicks. Just solid, reliable methods designed to work for years.....

YouTube grew 1,972% in 2006 !

YouTube grew 1,972% in 2006 ! Click Here for Full Story:

The landscape of the Internet is changing at a blinding rate folks.

Nuff Said

Ed Osworth
Author and Consultant

"We all know that YouTube was the homecoming queen of 2006, but just how popular was it? Its traffic grew 1,972% in 2006 compared to a year earlier. Some 120 million people visited the site in December 2006, comScore says.
While multimedia sites led the pack, following closely behind were community sites. MySpace and Blogger led the way, growing 159 percent to 90 million worldwide visitors and 90 percent to 93 million worldwide visitors, respectively"