Thursday, February 01, 2007

Free Affiliate Program Success Tutorial by Allan Gardyne

There are thousands of foilks who will claim to show you how to succeed in Affiliate Programs for a fee. And those fees are running close to $10,000 for a lot of these "secret" programs.

On the other hand Allan Gardyne is the real deal. He listed my first affiliate program back in 1997, when I started it. He is the "original" expert in these things and his site is the original directory for Affiliate programs.

Guess what - he will show you how to do it all for free!

He just created a new outline of all the steps necessary.

To get the full article - simply click the title link of this article.

Nuff Said

Ed Osworth
Author and Consultant

Affiliate Program Tutorial
By Allan Gardyne | Published 01/28/2006

You've joined an affiliate program. Here are the 18 steps to take next

This Affiliate Program Tutorial aims to give you a quick overview.

It's your road map to success as an affiliate.

I've been earning a good living from affiliate programs since 1998. Based on that experience, this tutorial tells you the 18 steps to take to generate a useful income from affiliate programs.

No tricks. No gimmicks. Just solid, reliable methods designed to work for years.....

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