Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Employees now spend over 40 percent of their workday on e-mail

Employees now spend over 40 percent of their workday on e-mail - Clich Here for full article:

Is email out of control?

From the figures below it certainly seemms so.....

Nuff Said

Ed Osworth

"Employees now spend over 40 percent of their workday on e-mail--and consider more than a third of that time a waste, according to a new survey from Cohesive Knowledge Solutions (CKS). What's more, companies are bleeding big bucks--some $300 billion a year--in lost productivity and profits."

Sunday, January 28, 2007

James D. Brausch Answers Questions on Creating Physical Information Products.

"Click Here to Visit James D. Brausch Answers Questions on Creating Physical Information Products.…"

The other day I heard from Michael Fortin aboout some new copywriting software he is using called Glyphius. He raved about it - it scores your copy apparently using a scoring system based on all the grest copywwriters work.

Haven't bought it yet but started reading the fascinating blog of the software's creator James D. Brausch

This guy is really sharp and bears no resemblance to "the usual suspects" of marketing gurus that have proliferated.

He just did a post offering to answer anyone's questions on creating a physical infoproduct - very fascinating and informative reading.

This is a blog I will be checking all the time.

Nuff Said

Ed Osworth

His blog is at http://www.jamesbrausch.com/ or click the link above.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Video On The Web: Robert Metcalfe on Internet Video

Click Here for Full Story: Robert Metcalfe on Internet Video: "Robert Metcalfe on Internet Video

For those who think that internet video is a passing fad or not useful for sales - this short video is a must.

It is the "inventor" of the internet giving his opinion of how video will be embraced online. He also speaks about how good video will be for our world.

He has been virtually correct about predictions all his life..

He beautifully leads us into his last profound observation with the comment that "Folks said that professionals would never use the PC because they won't sit at a keyboard and type".

That is very excellent salesmanship on his part.

He shows how we can all use the "breaking the glass of the observers pre conceptions with proof from the past" to get the observer open to new concepts.

Great video and a great lesson in "how to effectively present a new concept" as well.

Nuff Said

Ed Osworth

Bob Metcalfe invented Ethernet way back in 1973.

Before that, he worked on ARPANET, the forerunner of the Internet.

In addition to being an under-geek, Bob is also a master salesman."...........

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Yahoo is Killing The Wonderful Overture Keyword Search Inventory tool

Click Here For Full Article at Direct Marketing Online:

They say all good things must pass - but THIS?

Virtually every internet marketer suggests that all research on keywords begins at the Overture Search Term Tool.

Well folks, Overture got bought by mega company Yahoo and guess what? They are killing the search tool. In their words "It will no longer be supported in the near future".

Arrgghh. I really can't imagine why they made this decision - but they did. It is already useless as they have been slowly letting it die on the vine.

Apparently the best alternative are the Trellian keyword tools (which were always light years better than Yahoo's, but not free.

You can take a look here

KeywordDiscovery - Advanced keyword research tool and search term suggestion tool
Trellian SEO Toolkit - Website Optimization and Analysis Software

Nuff Said

Ed Osworth

Story - Click Title Link for Full Story at DM News

It wasn’t until I held a recent Search 101 seminar that I realized just how much the tool had aged. Like an elder relative, the tool fell asleep frequently at the table. Sometimes it just didn’t make any sense at all. On a call with some Yahoo employees, my greatest fears were confirmed: The tool would not longer be supported in the near future......

Monday, January 22, 2007

Why My Favorite "Word Processor" is Notepad - Free Cut and Paste Word and Character Counters

Hi Folks

Unlike most folks, my favorite "word processing" program is notepad.

It is the bare naked basic program that has come with every version of windows ever made. As far as features -- it has NONE.

So why do I use it for everything?

Because it is compatible with everything.

In other words, since it does no formatting at all I can take a document created in notepad and paste it into any application I desire.

The "word processors" available out there don't allow that. Since they format everything so beautifully, they are incompatible with each other and with just about every application out there, besides themselves.

Ever try to past a Word document in an online job application? If so then you know exactly what I mean.

Also using notepad exclusively for my original documents means that they are all in the same place on my hard drive. No need to search through dozens of folders to find out where that particular piece of writing is.

Another advantage is that notepad documents (txt files) are TINY. I can keep and back up thousands of them on the smallest pen drive.

Since notepad doesn't have a word counter I use these Java based ones here on my FreeTips.com site when I need to count my document words or characters.

Click Here for the FreeTips.com Online Cut and Paste Character Counter

Click Here for the FreeTips.com Online Cut and Paste Word Counter

Nuff Said

Ed Osworth - FreeTips.com

Thursday, January 18, 2007

How to Set Up Your Own Private Membership Site

Click Here for all the information on this great script

This is, by far, the world's easiest way to set up a paid private membership website!

Membership sites are popping up everywhere. Why?

Because folks like them and they make money for those who set them up!

You see them everywhere. Private membership sites. Some by major marketers cost $97 per month to be members.

Think folks don't join them? Think again!

I know of many that have hundreds of paying members.

A new script now has made them eas easy as pie to to set up and run.

The script has been designed totally with the newbie in mind, yet is also perfect for seasoned pros. We all like things easy :-)

If you want to set up a membership site with a script filled with all the features you could dream of, such as its own affiliate program, an online content management system and the ability to build your site without having to learn ANY html in sight, then you should take a close look at this one."

Nuff Said


Click Here for all the information on this great script

Recipe for Easy Success at Affiliate Marketing

Click Here for Full Article : For success, do one of these two things EVERY day
A great article from Allan Gardyne that tells the hard truth (and how easy it is) to succeed at affiliate marketing.

Not one in 10000 do these 2 things - instead they look for the latest marketing secret and spend thousands of dollars on programs from "gurus".

Nuff Said

Click the link above and Read It


You can be successful in affiliate marketing by concentrating nearly all your energy on just TWO things.

Judging by the questions asked on our affiliate forum, many affiliates feel horribly overwhelmed. They're suffocated by too much information and too many choices.
As a result, they're paralysed and fritter away hours, days, weeks and even months.

It's possible to become so involved in endless studying, thinking and planning - including checking emails and reading newsletters and blogs - that you achieve very little.
If that sounds like you, read on..."

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Review of Advertising Secrets of the Written Word by Joe Sugarman

A True Master of Copy writing Shows You How To Do It Yourself

If you want to get a quick education in how to write sales copy like a pro, here it is. If you are a pro and you want a course on how to improve your copywriting, here it is as well!

This is one of the greatest books on copywring available today. Definitely in the top 10 ever written.

I have been in marketing for well over 20 years and out of hundreds of books I have purchased, this is one of the few that sit on my "reference" shelf right at my desk (along with another of Joe's books "Triggers" )

If your livelihood depends upon writing effective and persuasive sales copy (as mine does) then you will LOVE this book.

Joe takes you by the hand and walks you through the process. He shows you exactly how to get inside your prospects mind. Not with manipulation, but with empathy for what your buyer is looking for.

It would be a bargain at 5 times the price. It is not only useful as a reference, it is a pleasure to read and will get you thinking in entirely new directions.
Advertising Secrets of the Written Word

Most importantly, if you write sales copy it will make you money.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

My Westfir Road Oregon Chalet House for Sale By Owner across from the Willamette River near Eugene

BBC NEWS | Technology | Teens 'turn to social websites'

BBC NEWS | Technology | Teens 'turn to social websites'

Click above link for full article

More than half of all net-using American teenagers use social networking sites, research suggests.........


That's a pretty huge number folks. It is amazing to me that half of teeners agree on anything, but apparently they do. Marketers take note. It's becoming obvious that if you want to reach that audience, you gotta have a presence on myspace, facebook etc.

The Internet Marketing Product BS Detector

Do you get hammered by emails from one "internet marketing expert" after another telling you about the latest great discovery that will enable your marketing efforts to "explode"?

Well, having been in marketing and direct sales for over 20 years I have been hammered with that stuff since long before the "net". It used to come by fax and US Mail. But it was the same stuff.

And sometimes there are a few products and courses that are worth the money and can actually be very beneficial. The trick is to figure out which ones.

It can be very difficult to find out because of affiliate programs and joint ventures. An affiliate program works by paying a referral fee for every sale. A joint venture is where one party agrees to personally recommend another parties product for a piece of the action.

This creates a situation where a "recommendation" can be tainted by economic reality. The reality that if you purchase the product - the recommending party gets paid a fat piece of the sales. Up to 50% is common.

Personally, I don't call that a recommendation at all. If a "paid recommendation" is mixed into editorial content it should be disclosed. Very few web writers do this.

I also do not consider a "testimonial" valid that was bought with an offer of a discount on a product for submitting the testimonial. I call that "bribery". Yes I have seen both of those tactics used, unfortunately.

So in the interest of all I will pass on to you what I call the "Internet Marketing Product BS Detector". It is a simple way to evaluate products and services that are recommended by "experts" and other folks.There are only 2 questions you need to ask to get to the truth. :-)

1:) Does the recommending party actually use the product or service they are recommending?

If they say "this will automate your email follow up ", for example, investigate whether their emails are originating from that recommended email program or the server where the recommended service is hosted.

If they say "this promotional technique works like magic" go investigate their site and see whether they actually use the technique they are recommending.

A perfect example is the ezine authors who will tell you that "using this particular site creation solution will skyrocket your sales". Then you notice that they don't use that product to create their own sites.

If that solution is as effective as they claim, you would certainly expect that they would do it themselves.

If you can't determine whether the recommender actually uses their recommended product or technique, email them and ask if they use it and how has it worked out for them.

If they don't use it, why in the heck should you take their recommendation seriously?

Same with books and courses. I regularly see recommendations in ezines for 300 - 400 page books and courses hours after they are released. The ezine owner will breathlessly describe how - "this book is going to be great" or "I just glanced through it" or "his/her other books are fantastic".

I think...why is this person recommending I buy a book they haven't even read yet?

That is not a recommendation - it is a race to see which ezine author can get their affiliate code in front of your face first and get that referral dollar.

Bottom line. If it isn't valuable enough for them to use or read themselves then they most likely are simply trying to make all of money off of you that they can. If they themselves don't use it or haven't read it - don't buy it.

2:) Does it come with an "unconditional" money back guarantee?

And by unconditional I mean it!

Not "show me that you have use my secret techniques and ad copy and I will refund...."

Wait a minute......

Why should I have to try your techniques if I can see from reading them that they won't work? You expect me to spend money on ads and precious time to prove it doesn't work?

Gimme a break.

As a matter of fact why should I even have to finish slogging through your book if your writing sucks? I have seen some big money products with horrible and incomprehensible copy.

Other wording to watch out for is "try my product for a full year..if you don't like it I'll refund....." some clowns will tell you the following when you ask for your money back. "Our guarantee clearly stated that you can only get it back after you have tried it for 365 days ("a full year").

So read the guarantee carefully. If you have any questions - write and ask before you buy.

I give a lot of credit to folks who offer a true guarantee. If you have confidence in your product you have nothing to fear by offering an "unconditional" guarantee.

If you don't offer me an "unconditional guarantee" what it tells me is that you don't trust me. And if you don't trust me there is no way I can trust you enough to give you my credit card.

Safest bet. If there is no unconditional guarantee, I'd think twice about purchasing.

Summary: Be skeptical. Look at the money motivation factor in any "recommendation". Look to folks who disclose their financial interest in their editorials for "real" recommendations.

If newspapers and magazines are responsible enough to disclose their financial interests, then so should web writers.

Nuff said.

Ed Osworth

Disclaimer: The above is the authors personal opinion only. The above is not meant in any way to criticize any particular person or company. It is simply a commentary on of the state of web marketing in general.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Exterior Panorama of my chalet home for sale in Westfir Oregon

This is a short video I did of the neighborhood and exterior of my house.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Old Dog, New Tricks YouTube and Laugh and Sell

I posted this this morning at Ken Mc Carthy's Fantastic System Video Blog at


Old Dog, New Tricks and Laugh and Sell

Hi Ken, I agree wholeheartedly.

This old dog (56) who only started making videos (and uploading them) 3 weeks ago is now creating one to sell his house. The house is 45 miles out in the country and video allows me to bring it into the city nearby. Every detail.

This all started with you and your post regarding a Pure Digital camera. Thanks for jolting me into action - and jolt it has been, with 17 videos on YouTube and 30 on Google Video.

Am I effectively monetising yet? Not in a huge way, but I am having FUN and learning a ton with both my serious and my silly videos. I'm just getting started here folks :-)
Example - a video I put up yesterday of my ridiculous cat at


now has YouTube honors today of

#24 - Top Rated (Today) - Pets & Animals - All

#23 - Top Rated (Today) - Pets & Animals - English

(If you take a look vote on it, maybe I can be #1 today :-)

Why would a silly cat video be of any interest to a serious marketer ?

It's something I am very interested in and I call this "Laugh and Sell"

If you think silly can't sell, you must see the videos "Will it Blend?" that Blendtech puts up. In their latest they blend an ipod in their $400 blender. Yep, an iPod.

Waste of time? Crazy?

Crazy like a fox.

Their iPod blending video has had over 2 MILLION views!

Think maybe they sold a few $400 blenders?

Take a look


Now think about their expenses.

YouTube = FREE. The production cost maybe a few hundred bucks.

They wisely registered willitblend.com and all their "silly" videos lead folks there. They blend rakes, golf balls, cell phones - what have you!

It is an example of pure marketing genius and they get my vote for innovative dirt cheap marketers of the year, 2006.

Have I got your brains going folks?

Video has opened possibilities for imaginative marketers almost beyond comprehension....

Ed O

Posted by: Ed Osworth January 03, 2007 at 07:42 AM

Today in Westfir - Time for a Change

I had a fantastic day today, the second day of this new year.

Got lots of work done, paid bills and am getting my house prepared for sale. My career is calling me into the city and as much as I adore it here in the country, I need to get closer in to the place I love so much - Eugene, Oregon.

I have lived in the country for close to 16 years now, and I am ready for a change. I find myself making the drive from Westfir to Eugene several times a week. Every time I am there I get more and more inspired by the wide varity of folks I see there. I love sitting in the mall and coffee houses and watching and writing about all the human interreaction I see.

I will miss the peace and solitude I find here - but the great thing is that it is only a short drive heere to experience it again.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Frankie My Ridiculous 6 Toed Cat Stands 3 Times

My silly and lovable polydactyl (6 toed) cat Frankie loves to show off. Here he Rolls Over and Stands 3 Times in a Row. I'm having fun (and so is Frankie)!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Flying Turtle Art Gallery Oakridge Oregon Highway 58 Sculpture Painting Clay Glass Espresso

The wonderful Flying Turtle Art Gallery in Oakridge Oregon. 35 miles east of Eugene on Highway 58 by the Willamette River.