Saturday, January 29, 2005

Sunday Miracle

I had a really great day today. My mood was up and I went into town to shop for food and necessities. I felt loving and holy.

After a jaunt to Costco I dropped by one of my favorite coffee houses, Mellitto.

I walked in real high and joyful on life and imagined all the folks inside as "balls of love" underneath their skin.

As I scanned around I noticed all sorts of folks, a mother with 2 teen daughters, a group of 4 elderly folks who looked like they came from Church, a young male/female couple and a female/female couple.

The fireplace was going, music in the background. While in this loving state of mind I got a huge rush noticing how everyone else in the room was smiling and happy. The mother and daughters were laughing joyously and telling stories. The elderly folks from Church were beaming and smiling. Every single one of these folks was acting happy and joyous.

Well my thoughts drifted off to politics for some reason. For a minute or so, I started thinking of Bush and Rumsfeld and my thoughts turned dark and foreboding.

I realized that I got absorbed in my thoughts and I had stopped noticing all the people - so I focused back in.
The Church folks were arguing and stressed. The mother and daughters were now gossiping and being catty, the couples were now scowling at each other.

I was absolutely blown away. I was so impressed with the level of joy in the place when I was joyful, then just a few seconds thinking about the "dark side" and the entire place was different. The joy was gone from everyone, not just me.

I am getting more convinced by the day that thoughts have way more power than we think.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Looking towards Mt. Greyback.
Copyright 2005 A Better Life

Road in front of my house (notice my oak tree which fell across the road)
Copyright 2005 A Better Life

Winter wonderland.
Copyright 2005 A Better Life

Looking up my driveway.
Copyright 2005 A Better Life

More snow pics.
Copyright 2005 A Better Life

A bit of snow in the neighborhood. We had 18" of snow in one day in Williams on 1/08/05. Power out for a few days, lots of fun.
Copyright 2005 A Better Life